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Golden Paste 100g


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Blended in a BRC accredited facility to ensure quality and traceability, our golden paste is manufactured with human grade ingredients.

SKU: 2053 Category:

DIRECTIONS: Begin by feeding 1/8th teaspoon twice a day for the first week with food. The following week, feed 1/4 teaspoon twice a day with food. Each week you can increase until desired effects are noticed. TURMERIC – our turmeric is not irradiated or steam treated to preserve the key components. Our curcumin levels have varied between 5% and 9.82%. COCONUT OIL – we use cold pressed and organic coconut oil. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR- complete with ‘the mother’ apple cider vinegar includes compounds such as quercetin. BLACK PEPPER – we crack our black pepper just before adding it to our paste. CEYLON CINNAMON – we use true (ceylon) cinnamon as this has a lower level of coumarin in.

Weight0.1 kg